
The Person entity represents an individual who is involved in the creation, publication, and dissemination of Research products. A Person can be an author, a reviewer, an editor, a publisher, a researcher, or any other stakeholder involved in the scholarly communication process.

This section describes the metadata fields for the Person.


String (mandatory): Unique code identifiying the Person in the SKG (if any, otherwise “stateless identifier”).

1 "local_identifier": "the_id"


List (optional): A list of objects representing external identifiers for the entity. Each object is structured as follows.

  • scheme String (mandatory): The scheme for the external identifier (e.g., ORCID).

  • value String (mandatory): The external identifier.

1 "identifiers": [
2     {
3         "scheme": "orcid"
4         "value": "000-0002-5193-7851"
5     }
6 ]


String (mandatory, unless an agent or a fullname is indicated): The given name of a Person.

1 "given_name": "John"


String (mandatory, unless an agent or a fullname is indicated): The family name of a Person.

1 "family_name": "Doe"


String (optional, unless given_name and family_name are not present, or an agent is not indicated): The string containing whatever concatenation of a Person’s name(s) and surnames(s).

1 "fullname": "John M. Doe"


String (optional, unless all name properties are missing): The name of an agent (e.g., a collective name or a legal entity).

1 "agent": "Data curation team"


List (optional): A list of all the affiliations of a Person (à la ORCID). Each element of the list is structured as follows:

  • organisation String (mandatory): The identifier of the Organisation a Person is affiliated with.

  • start_date String (recommended): The start date of the affiliation with the Organisation. It adheres to ISO 8601.

  • end_date String (optional): The end day (if any) of the affiliation with the Organisation. It adheres to ISO 8601.

 1 "affiliations": [
 2     {
 3         "organisation": "org2",
 4         "start_date": "2015-01-01",
 5         "end_date": "2017-01-01"
 6     },
 7     {
 8         "organisation": "org3",
 9         "start_date": "2017-01-01",
10         "end_date": "2019-01-01"
11     }
12 ]