Research products

This entity models Research products, which may be of four types, as follows.


Intended for reading by humans (article, thesis, peer-review, blog posts, books, reports, patents, etc.)

Research data:

Self-contained, persistently identified digital assets intended for processing (e.g. files containing: tables, metadata collections, dumps; persistent dynamic queries to scientific databases)

Research software:

(definition from RDA WG) Research Software includes source code files, algorithms, scripts, computational workflows and executables that were created during the research process or for a research purpose. Note that software components (e.g., operating systems, libraries, dependencies, packages, scripts, etc.) that are used for research but were not created during or with a clear research intent should be considered software in research and not Research Software. This differentiation may vary between disciplines. The minimal requirement for achieving computational reproducibility is that all the computational components (Research Software, software used in research, documentation and hardware) used during the research are identified, described, and made accessible to the extent that is possible.

Other products:

any digital asset, uniquely identified, whose nature does not fall in the first three types

This section describes the metadata fields for the Research products.


String (mandatory): Unique code identifiying the Research product in the SKG (if any, otherwise “stateless identifier”)

1 "local_identifier": "product_1"


List (optional): A list of objects representing external identifiers for the entity. Each object is structured as follows.

  • scheme String (mandatory): The scheme for the external identifier (e.g., doi, handle, purl, pubmed, etc.).

  • value String (mandatory): The external identifier.

1 "identifiers": [
2     {
3         "scheme": "doi"
4         "value": "10.1103/PhysRevE.80.056103"
5     }
6 ]


Object (mandatory): The titles of a Research product (multiple for multilinguism). The object is a dictionary, the keys represent language codes following ISO 639-1; the special key none is reserved whenever the informtion about the language is not available or cannot be shared.

1 "titles": {
2     "en": ["Title of the paper", "Title variant"],
3     "it": ["Titolo in italiano"],
4     "none": ["Itletay ofyay ethay aperpay"]
5 }


Object (recommended): The abstracts of a Research product (multiple for multilinguism). The object is a dictionary, the keys represent language codes following ISO 639-1; the special key none is reserved whenever the informtion about the language is not available or cannot be shared.

1 "abstracts": {
2     "en": ["Abstract", "Summary"],
3     "es": ["Resumen"],
4     "none": ["Aperpay ummarysay"]
5 }


String (mandatory): The type of the Research product. One of the following values:

  • literature

  • research data

  • research software

  • other

1 "product_type": "literature"


List (recommended): A list objects referring to Topics covered by the Research product. Each object in the list has the following properties:

  • topic String (mandatory): The identifier of a Topic relevant for the Research product.

  • provenance List (recommended): A list of provenance information tracking the origin of the relation between a Topics and a Research product. Each topic provenance object has the following properties:

    • type String (mandatory): A string tracking the provenance of the topic relation.

    • trust Float (mandatory): A numeric value associated to the trust given to the relation to a Topics. The float should be normalised in the range [0,1].

 1 "topics": [
 2     {
 3         "topic": "topic_1",
 4         "provenance": [
 5             {
 6                 "type": "OpenAIRE mining",
 7                 "trust": 0.7
 8             }
 9         ]
10     },
11     {
12         "topic": "topic_2",
13         "provenance": [
14             {
15                 "type": "OpenAlex",
16                 "trust": 0.9
17             }
18         ]
19     }
20 ]


List (mandatory): A list of objects that describe a Person, his/her role, rank and declared affiliations to Organisations when working to a Research product. Each object is structured as follows:

  • person String (mandatory): The identifier of a Person contributing to the Research product.

  • declared_affiliations List (recommended): A list of Organisations identifiers that reflect the declared affiliations of a Person for the Research product.

  • rank Integer (recommended): The rank (i.e., order of appearance) of the Person in the author list of a Research product.

  • roles List (recommended): A list of the specific roles that a Person had in the Research product. Each element in the list is a String compliant with the CRediT taxonomy.

  • is_listed_author Boolean (recommended): True if the Person indicated is listed as an author of the Research product, False otherwise (e.g., another kind of contribution).

1 "contributions": [
2     {
3         "person": "person_123",
4         "declared_affiliations": ["org_1", "org_3"],
5         "rank": 1,
6         "roles": ["writing-original-draft", "conceptualization"],
7         "is_listed_author": True,
8     }
9 ]


List (mandatory): A list of objects representing multiple manifestations of the same Research product (e.g., a preprint, a postprint, etc.). Each manifestation object has the following structure:

  • product_local_type String (mandatory): The type of the manifestation, e.g., preprint.

  • product_local_type_schema String (mandatory): The schema of the manifestation type, e.g., a link to the vocabulary of allowed product types.

  • dates List (mandatory): Relevant dates for the Research product. Each date has the following properties:

    • value String (mandatory): The relevant date for the Research product expressed as a ISO 8601 date string.

    • type String (mandatory): The type of the date (e.g., publishing, embargo, preprint, …).

  • peer_review String (mandatory): Whether the Research product has undergone a peer review process. It can be one of the following:

    • peer-reviewed

    • not peer-reviewed

    • single-blind

    • double-blind

    • open peer review

  • metadata_curation String (mandatory): Whether the Research product has undergone a metadata curation process. It can be one of the following :

    • yes

    • no

    • unavailable

  • url String (mandatory): An URL for the manifestation.

  • pid String (recommended): The pid for the specific manifestation.

  • access_rights String (mandatory): The access right for the specific materialisation. One of the following

    • open

    • closed

    • embargo

    • restricted

    • unavailable

  • licence String (recommended): Licence specific to the manifestation.

  • license_schema String (recommended): Schema of the licence.

  • version String (recommended): Version for a software or research data product.

  • biblio Object (optional): An object containing bibliographic information about a Research product of literature type. The object has the following properties:

    • issue String (optional): Issue number.

    • start_page String (optional): The starting page.

    • end_page String (optional): The ending page.

    • volume String (optional): Volume number (for journals, books, conferences).

    • edition String (optional): The edition (for journals and books).

    • number String (optional): Journal number.

    • venue String (optional): A Venue identifier for the manifestation.

    • hosting_data_source String (optional): A Data source identifier for the manifestation.`

 1 "manifestations": [
 2     {
 3         "product_local_type": "",
 4         "product_local_type_schema": "",
 5         "dates": [
 6             {
 7                 "value": "2012-03-21",
 8                 "type": "preprint"
 9             }
10         ],
11         "peer_review": "open",
12         "metadata_curation": "yes",
13         "access_rights": "",
14         "license": "",
15         "license_schema": "",
16         "version": "v1.0",
17         "url": "",
18         "pid": "",
19         "biblio": {
20             "issue": "1",
21             "start_page": "640",
22             "end_page": "645",
23             "volume": "13833",
24             "edition": "1",
25             "number": "7"
26         }
27         "venue": "venue_7",
28         "hosting_data_source": "datasource_4",
29     }
30 ]


List (recommended): A list of relevant Organisation identifiers associated with the Research product (In case the individual affiliations of the Person are not available).

1 "relevant_organisations": ["org_1", "org5"]


List (recommended): A list of relevant Grant identifiers associated with the Research product.

1 "funding": ["grant_1", "grant_2"]